[dk] StuRa-HTWDD + GitHub = <3

GitHub support at github.com
Di Apr 14 16:14:31 CEST 2015

Welcome to GitHub!

We're pretty certain this is the start of something really special, so we
wanted to take a moment to personally welcome you to GitHub. We like to think
of GitHub as the best way to build and ship software, and it's great to have
you on board!

To make your life easier, we thought it might be helpful to point you to some
awesome ways to use GitHub.

    GitHub Flow in the Browser

    Want to learn how to contribute to GitHub without learning Git? Learn how
    to branch, edit, and submit your first pull request all in the browser.

    Explore what is Trending on GitHub

    From open government data to web frameworks, our trending page is a great
    way to discover different ways people are using GitHub.

    Help & Support

    Feel stuck? It happens to the best of us. Head on over to
    https://help.github.com or https://github.com/contact to get advice
    and guidance from real humans. We're here to help.


You will also have a verification email in your inbox - please follow the link inside
it so we can confirm your email address is really yours.

Thanks so much for your time —  we're looking forward to seeing what you build
with GitHub!
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