[dk] Join SciencePG as editorial board members or reviewers and submit papers

Journal IJCEMS member at clinexpmed.org
Sa Jun 16 00:08:23 UTC 2018

Dear Sir or Madam,
We publish open access journals which are devoted to promoting the
advancement of science and technology. Now we sincerely invite scholars and
researchers to submit papers to the journals or to join us as an editorial
board member or a reviewer.
Join Our Editorial Board or Reviewer Team
In order to expand the editorial board and reviewer group, we sincerely
invite you to be our editorial member or reviewer of our journals. If you
are eager for more information of the Benefits and Responsibilities of the
editorial member or reviewer, please feel free to click the following link:
Contributing Your Research Paper
We have journals with an editorial team comprising many of the world's
leading researchers. If you have burst out some new ideas in your
interested field, welcome to submit your papers to the corresponding
Journals or Special Issues so as to share your ideas with people around the
Open Access
Open Access makes knowledge available to all readers, without the barrier
of affordability and without restrictions on using it to develop related
areas of research.
Fast publication
Fast publication is one of our characteristics. We know that "fast" is very
important in the modern times. We promise to publish the papers submitted
to our journals within 40-60 days from submission provided that the papers
are good enough.
Papers submitted to the journals are peer-reviewed, which means reviewer
anonymity allows for impartial decisions - the reviewers will not be
influenced by the authors.
Some Suggested Featured Journals:

   1. Journal of Drug Design and Medicinal Chemistry
   2. International Journal of Archaeology
   3. International Journal of Science, Technology and Society
   4. International Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering
   5. Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences
   6. American Journal of Environmental Protection
   7. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications
   8. Science Journal of Business and Management
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