[dk] Paper publication and editorial board members or reviewers application

Maydim Malkov submission at historyresearch.net
Do Jan 4 12:08:27 CET 2018

Become Editorial Board Members or Reviewers and Publish Paper
Science | Publishing | Group
Dear Researcher or Scholar,
In the aim of providing you scholars a better platform to publish papers
and share more scientific research achievements, SciencePG sincerely
invites scholars and researchers to submit papers to the journals or join
in the editorial board/reviewer team.
Submit Your Paper
Being an international academic publisher, SciencePG has more than 200 open
access, online journals. SciencePG welcomes both scholars and practitioners
to submit valuable papers to the related journals through:
Advantages of Journals

   -    Open Access (OA)
   -    Peer-reviewing
   -    Publish Paper in 50 Days
   -    Indexing and Abstracting -    Most of journals in our platform can
   be searched by WorldCat, CrossRef, JournalSeek, Electronic Journals Library
   (EJL), Zeitschriftendatenbank, EZB, Academickeys, ResearchBib, CNKI, Polish
   Scholarly Bibliography, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin etc.

List of Suggested Journals

   - International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences
   - Humanities and Social Sciences <http://www.hssjournal.org/>
   - American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
   - American Journal of Modern Physics <http://www.ajmp.org/>
   - American Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
   - International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences
   - International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis
   - International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering

Applying to Be an Editorial Member or a Reviewer
In order to expand the editorial board and reviewer group, we would like to
invite you to be the editorial member or reviewer of our journals with
great sincerity. If you are eager to know more about the Benefits and
Responsibilities of the editorial member or a reviewer, please feel free to
visit the following link:
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