[dk] Paper Publication and Editorial Board Members or Reviewers Application

Maydim Malkov submission at agricultureforestry.org
So Jan 28 15:44:00 CET 2018

Dear Scholar or Researcher,
We publish open access journals which are dedicated to promoting the
development of science and technology. Now we sincerely invite scholars and
researchers to submit papers to the journals or to join us as one of the
editorial board members/reviewers.
Becoming an Editorial Member or a Reviewer
Aiming at expanding the editorial board and reviewer team, we would like to
invite you sincerely to be our editorial member or reviewer of our
journals. If you are eager for more details of the Benefits and
Responsibilities of the editorial member or reviewer, please visit the
following link: http://www.ajpediatrics.org/journals
Invitation to Submit Your Paper
We own 200+ online, peer-reviewed journals. If you have some new works in
your specialized or interested field, welcome to submit your papers to the
corresponding Journals or Special Issues so as to share your ideas with
people around the world.

   1. Advances in Biochemistry
   2. International Journal of Education, Culture and Society
   3. American Journal of Applied Scientific Research
   4. International Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering
   5. Journal of Family Medicine and Health Care
   6. Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science
   7. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications
   8. International Journal of Business and Economics Research

Advantages of the Journals

   - 1. OA Policy
   Each journal uses the Open Access policy. All papers are resources
   shared by scientific community and general public for free.
   - 2. Paper Publication in 60 Days
   Papers can be published within 40-60 days since submission provided that
   the paper is of good quality and the authors' response is prompt.
   - 3. Peer-reviewing
   Papers submitted to the journals are peer-reviewed, which means reviewer
   anonymity allows for impartial decisions - the reviewers will not be
   influenced by the authors.
   - 4. Indexing
   Most of journals in our platform can be searched by JournalSeek,
   Electronic Journals Library (EJL), WorldCat, CrossRef,
   Zeitschriftendatenbank, EZB, Academickeys, ResearchBib, Polish Scholarly
   Bibliography, CNKI, etc.
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